Saturday, April 22, 2017

Blood Donation Program || Open Eyes IT Solution

Participation on Blood Donation Programe || Open Eyes IT Solution
Participation on Blood Donation Programe || Open Eyes IT Solution
Open Eyes IT Solution invites all the staff, alumini and all the publics who are interested to take participate in blood donation programe organnized by Social Service handing club in the memories of souls who have to leave their lives because of Earth Quake in 12th of baishak 2072. 

Our Small effort can save the lives of many peoples. According to the Red Cross "A Donation Made By One Person Can Save lives of 3 People". At the present Days Nepalese Hospitals Are Facing problems of getting bloods on time. As a responsible citizens we invites you to take participate in our programe.

Programe Venue : New Baneshwor Kathmandu Nepal
Date: 12th Baishak 2074

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