Tuesday, May 30, 2017

C,C++ Programing Language Training in Kathmandu Nepal

Are you in Delima while choosing institute for C,C++ programing language? Dont worry we at Open Eyes IT Solution announce new session on C,C++ Programining Language Training in kathmandu Nepal with the experience professionals. Hurry up call us now 977-9843617299,  977-1-4104372. Our Expert Can Make You One.


Even though the C Programming language is nearly four decades old, it is still among the most popular programming languages. Our course provides exhaustive coverage of C language and C++ language. C language is generally known as middle level language because it blends the functionality of both the low level languages and the high level languages. High level languages have many built in features modules to increases the efficiency and productivity of developers, on the other hand low level languages are more machine efficient and faster as machine .

C, C++ Programing language Training in Kathmandu Nepal
C, C++ Programing language Training in Kathmandu Nepal
C++ is a multi-paradigm, free form, compiled, general purpose, powerful programming language.It is the enhancement of the C language and developed by Bijarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bells lab.It was originally named C with Classes, the language was renamed C++ in 1983. C++ inherits most of C?s syntax.

C++ Overview

C++ Characteristics
Object-Oriented Terminology
Object-Oriented Paradigm
Abstract Data Types
I/O Services
Standard Template Library
Standards Compliance
Functions and Variables
Functions: Declaration and Definition
Variables: Definition, Declaration, and Scope
Variables: Dynamic Creation and Derived Data
Arrays and Strings in C++
Classes in C++
Defining Classes in C++
Classes and Encapsulation
Member Functions
Instantiating and Using Classes
Using Constructors
Multiple Constructors and Initialization Lists
Using Destructors to Destroy Instances
Operator Overloading
Operator Overloading
Working with Overloaded Operator Methods
Initialization and Assignment
Initialization vs. Assignment
The Copy Constructor
Assigning Values
Specialized Constructors and Methods
Constant and Static Class Members
Storage Management
Memory Allocation
Dynamic Allocation: new and delete
Overview of Inheritance
Defining Base and Derived Classes
Constructor and Destructor Calls
Overview of Polymorphism
Input and Output in C++ Programs
Standard Streams
Unformatted Input and Output
File Input and Output
Inheritance and Exceptions
Exception Hierarchies
Inside an Exception Handler
Template Overview
Customizing a Templated Method
Standard Template Library Containers

Overview of C

History and Features of C
Importance of C
About Procedural Language
Role of Compiler
Role of Interpreter
The Structure of a C Program
Writing C Programs
Building an Executable Version of a C Program
Debugging a C Program
Examining and Running a C Application Program
An Overview Of C And Buzzwords

Data Type, Variable
Control Statement
Preprocessor Directives Input and Output Operators
Reading/Writing Characters
Formatted input/output Function
Control Statement

The IF…..ELSE Statement
IF……ELSE ladder
Nesting of IF…..ELSE Statements
The Switching Statements
The do-while Statement
The while statement
FOR Statements
Array in C

Array : What and Why?
One Dementions Arrays
Two Dimentions Arrays
Multi Dimentions Arrays
Dynamic Arrays
String Handling

Reading String from Terminal
Writing String to Screen
String Handling Functions
Table of String
Function in C

Function Basics
Advantage of Function
Variable Storage Classes
Variable arguments Function
Pointers in C

Understanding Pointers
Pointer expressions
Pointer and Arrays
Pointers and Character String
Pointers to Functions
Pointers and Structures
Structures and Unions

Defining a Structure
Advantage of Structure
Size of Structure
Arrays of Structures
Structures and Functions
Defining Unions
Dynamic Memory allocation

Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation
Linked List

Concepts of Linked Lists
Creating a Linked Lists
Inserting/Deleting an item
Application of Linked Lists
File Management in C

Introduction to File Management
Opening/Closing a File
Input/Output operations on Files
Error Handling During I/O Operations
Command Line Arguments

To whom?
 All Student (+2, BE)

 To know the programming syntax.

What after course?
Able to have programming concept

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Open Eyes IT Solution Training

Open Eyes IT Solution Training
Open Eyes IT Solution Training
We at Open Eyes IT Solution provides the training in different IT Course. Hurry Up Seat Are Limited . Our Expert Can Make You One. Further more details call us on 977-1-4104372, 977-9843617299. Or Visit Our website : http://www.openeyesit.com/ and our mailing address: info@openeyesit.com

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Graphic Designer Wanted in Kathmandu Nepal

Graphic Designer Wanted in Kathmandu Nepal
Graphic Designer Wanted in Kathmandu Nepal
We Open Eyes IT Solution Seeking for Graphic designer. If you are intrested to do job with us you can drop your CV at: info@openeyesit.com. Fresher, intermediate and expert can apply.

We also Provide Graphic design training in Kathmandu Nepal. Further  more  details  callus   977-1-4104372, 977-9843617299.Or visit our websites: http://www.openeyesit.com/ http://openeyesitsolution.com/  http://openeyes.com.np and our mailing address: info@openeyesit.com . 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Jobs in Kathmandu Nepal

Jobs in Kathmandu Nepal
Jobs in Kathmandu Nepal
Open Eyes IT Solution Announce the Jobs in Kathmandu Nepal  on different post. If you are from IT Background and interested to to job with us. Please drop your CV at : info@openeyesit.com. Or visit our website: http://www.openeyesit.com/.

We are specially training center of different IT Course. We Trained our student in such a way that which is totally based on real life. After completing courses we will provide placement to them in reputed company.